F Visa Insurance Skip to main content
International Student Services

F Visa Insurance

University policies require all F-1 students and F-2 dependents to have sickness and accident insurance while attending BYU–Hawaii.

  • You will be eligible for Student Medical Benefits only if you are attending BYU-Hawaii on a full-time basis in Laie, i. e. you are taking 12 or more credits and living in Laie.
  • If you do an internship/CPT/OPT/AT OR LOA in the Hawaii or in the Mainland, you will be enrolled in the Student Medical Benefits. You need to go see Beth Martin to make sure you are enrolled in the SMB plan.
  • However,if you do an OPT/CPT/AT after graduation, you will need to use a third party insurance. You must present your insurance contract to the ISS for proof.
  • In addition if your internship/CPT/OPT/AT is split where a section in the United States and a section in your home country or another country, you are responsible for the insurance portion outside the United States. You will not be covered by the SMB.
  • If you do an internship/CPT/OPT outside the united States and have graduated, you do not need insurance.

If you plan to apply for annual leave and will be staying in the United States, you will be covered by the Student Medical Plan.

If you travel to your home country for Annual Leave, you need to present your airplane ticket (electronic or paper) to Beth Martins of the insurance office, for verification, before leaving. Email: beth.martin@byuh.edu

If you have coverage through your family or employer during your internship/CPT/OPT/annual leave, you need to submit a 'letter of credibility for your coverage' to Beth Martin for verification. Email: beth.martin@byuh.edu

Failure to purchase & submit proof of Health Insurance Coverage to International Student Services will put your immigration status at risk!

Here are a few companies that you may contact to purchase Health Insurance:

Insurance Company
Contact Person
Contact Information
International Student Protection (ISP) -Trail Blazer

(212) 693-3717



Select 'Brigham Young University–Hawaii' in the option to select you university.

American Visitor

(877) 340-7910 www.americanvisitorinsurance.com

Select J1 Visa under the ‘Compare Quotes’ on the top of the page.

ISO Student Health Insurance

(800) 244-118

Student Health Insurance


(866) 467-8289, Ext. 118



Select ‘International Medical’ on the top of the page.

Please contact International Student Services for more information.

insurance Company